Charter a Private Jet to / from Egegik Airport

The city-owned Egegik Airport is open to the public and is located just two miles south of Egegik, in the Lake and Peninsula Borough, Alaska. The airport provides scheduled passenger services and is called as a general aviation airport, according to the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems. Grant Aviation is the leading airline with King Salmon being the top destination. Egegik Airport consists of two gravel-paved runways in good condition, along with many other facilities. The major aircraft operations Egegik Airport provides are local general aviation and air taxi.


Egegik Airport (EGX, PAII) Private Jet Charter

Airports near Egegik Airport

  1. AKN, King Salmon, King Salmon, United States.
  2. BIC, Big Creek, Big Creek, United States.
  3. BKF, Lake Brooks SPB, Katmai National Park, United States.
  4. BSZ, Bartletts, Bartletts, United States.
  5. CFA, Coffee Point, Coffee Point, United States.
  6. CLP, Clarks Point, Clarks Point, United States.
  7. EGX, Egegik, Egegik, United States.
  8. KKU, Ekuk, Ekuk, United States.
  9. KLL, Levelock, Levelock, United States.
  10. NNK, Naknek, Naknek, United States.
  11. PCA, Portage Creek, Portage Creek, United States.
  12. PFA, Paf Warren, Paf Warren, United States.
  13. PIP, Pilot Point, Pilot Point, United States.
  14. RBH, Brooks Lodge, Brooks Lodge, United States.
  15. UGB, Ugashik Bay, Pilot Point, United States.
  16. UGS, Ugashik, Ugashik, United States.
  17. UQE, Queen, Queen, United States.
  18. WOD, Wood River, Wood River, United States.
  19. WSN, South Naknek, South Naknek, United States.

Egegik Airport (EGX, PAII) Information

Local CodePAII
Longest Runway5,600 feet
Elevation92 ft / 28 m
Airport AddressEgegik, AK 99579, United States

Weather for Egegik Airport

19.4° F
Broken clouds
Humidity: 86%;
H -5 • L -7;
broken clouds
broken clouds
overcast clouds
clear sky
overcast clouds