Charter a Private Jet to / from Nome Airport

Nome Airport (OME, PAOM) is located in Nome, AK. Mercury Jets offers private jet charter services to and from Nome.

About Nome Airport (OME, PAOM)

Mercury Jets is an on demand air charter provider specializing in private jet and turboprop charters in Nome Airport.

Situated only two nautical miles west of the city center of Nome, Nome Airport is a public use airport in the Nome Census Area of Alaska. The state of Alaska owns the airport. Nome Airport is categorized by the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems as a major commercial service airport. Nome Airport features two asphalt paved runways. The major airlines are Ravn Alaska, Evergreen Helicopters, Bering Air, Arctic Transportation Services, and Alaska Airlines. The airport offers a great variety of services and facilities.

There are 71 aircraft based on the field of Nome Airport, including single-engine airplanes, multiple-engine airplanes, military aircraft, and helicopters. Nome Airport’s primary aircraft operations are transient general aviation, air taxi, commercial, military, and local general aviation.

Passengers can choose Nome Airport or any other small airfield for landing when renting a private air charter. Because of its small size, the OME provides a standard set of aviation services according to world standards. The information center provides guests with weather information as well as nearby Alaskan restaurants and attractions. Traveling privately offers distinct advantages such as complete privacy, service in separate terminals, personalized menus on board, professional staff, and more.

There are several comfortable hotels with spacious accommodations near Nome Airport, such as Long House Bethel Hotel, Top of the Rock Lodge, Long House Hotel Bethel, Bear Paw Adventure, Denali Backcountry Lodge, and Moose Cabin.

The price for a private charter to/from Nome will depend on the type of business jet and the flight range. We provide private jet charter flights to and from Nome Airport.

Nome Airport (OME, PAOM) Private Jet Charter

Nome Airport (OME, PAOM) Information

Local CodePAOM
Longest Runway6,176 ft
Elevation38 ft / 12 m
Airport Address227 Airport Rd, Nome, AK 99762

Weather for Nome Airport

21.2° F
Overcast clouds
Humidity: 68%;
Wind: 4m/s NE;
H -6 • L -12;
overcast clouds
overcast clouds
overcast clouds
light snow
overcast clouds