Private Jet – How much does it really cost?

With the recurring terrorist threats as well as terrorist attacks looming large across the globe, traveling is no longer considered to be a safe bet. More so, if you choose to do so by a commercial airline. The 9/11 tragedy alone has reduced the number of passengers taking flights in the US by as much as 20%. The sales of private jets along with their services have gone up multi fold in the last five years. They prove to be of great significance to the business world, in the current scenario.
Owning a private jet can prove to be too much of an expensive affair for a company which is yet not ready to part with such amounts in terms of an investment. Along with the cost of buying the jet, there are other costs, which need to be factored in, right from the taxes, to fuel to insurance to maintenance to parking fees and the like. Though owning a private jet can do a lot to boost a company’s brand image it would be a wise option to consider renting or leasing the services of a private jet if the current budget does not allow owning one at the given moment.
Renting or leasing a private jet and its services is looked upon as a smart way to go ahead in today’s business world. Why would the smart business class opt for private jet services? They realize the value of time and make more money by saving on the same. Private jet services provide you with the exact flight you need, at the time you need it, from the airport you need it, to the destination you need, for the price you want to pay and at a level of comfort you simply can’t find on a commercial flight. With a variety of options available in the private jet service sector, buying, renting or leasing a private jet is not an unthinkable task anymore. The prices vary depending on the type of the aircraft you choose to the length of the intended journey. Depending on these, the prices range from $1800 an hour to over $5000 an hour. These jets can seat passengers starting from a number of four.
With more and more companies opting for this service, there is also the strong possibility of working out a cost effective deal between the private jet service provider and your company taking into consideration the frequent travels that you undertake.
To choose from a list of private jet service providers the thumb rule is to stick to authentic customer reviews. Third party websites which focus on providing you with reviews from users are the best bet. If the customers around the web do not sound happy on the services given to them, it is time to move down the list band look at the next one.
Among the popular private jets, in the US the Eclipse 500 has become a popular choice based mainly on the comfortable price that it comes in: at $1.5 million. It seats 6, flies at 41,000 feet and at a speed of 425mph with a fuel capacity for 1200 miles. It can land or take off on an airstrip of 2250 feet. Bill Gates is one of the biggest investors in the Eclipse. This mini jet has become a popular choice for the corporate world that requires a small yet efficient jet.
Cessna is another player who is trying to make its entry in this sector owing to the popular demand for buying private jets or buying the private jet services.